
Are headaches and nosebleeds a sign of high blood pressure? If you want to know the facts about high blood pressure symptoms, then keep reading.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition and a significant risk factor for heart disease. Because it can lead to serious health issues like a heart attack or stroke, it’s important to keep track of your blood pressure health. Fortunately, it’s fairly simple to know if you have high blood pressure – but not in the way you might think.

Symptoms of Hypertension

High Blood Pressure SymptomsThe fact is that high blood pressure doesn’t typically present any signs or symptoms, even when levels are dangerously high. Some people may experience headaches or nosebleeds, but these symptoms may be due to other conditions or may only be present during life-threatening stages.

However, this doesn’t mean hypertension has to take you by surprise; in fact, a simple blood pressure reading will let your doctor know if you have the condition. Measuring your blood pressure during doctor visits is the norm, which is why it’s essential you get annual checkups and get more frequent readings if your levels are elevated. In addition to your doctor’s office, you can measure your blood pressure by using at-home monitors or going to your local pharmacy.

Causes of Hypertension

There are two types of hypertension: primary (essential) hypertension and secondary hypertension. The most common type is primary hypertension and it means there’s no identifiable cause as it develops gradually over the years.

In contrast, secondary hypertension is a result of an underlying condition, it appears suddenly, and causes higher blood pressure than primary hypertension. Some of the conditions that can lead to it include obstructive sleep apnea, kidney disease, thyroid problems, and more.

Hypertension Risk Factors

There are various risk factors that can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, some that you can control and some that you can’t. For example, age, race, and family health history are risk factors beyond your control.

However, a large majority of risk factors are habits and conditions that you can change. These include being overweight or obese, not being physically active, using tobacco, consuming too much sodium and too little potassium, and more. You can make a big difference in your blood pressure health by making necessary lifestyle changes.

Preventing High Blood Pressure

l-arginine plusIf you want to prevent or better manage your high blood pressure, then talk to your doctor about strategies to help lower your numbers. Some people may need to take medications to lower their blood pressure, but everyone can benefit from making healthy lifestyle changes.

If you want to give a boost to your blood pressure health, then start exercising regularly, eating healthily, and taking heart health supplements. At Best Heart Health Supplements, we review a variety of supplements to help readers find the one that works for them.

One of the top-rated supplements out there is L-arginine Plus. Its ingredients work to promote circulation, blood pressure, cholesterol, and overall heart health. To learn more about it and see if it’s right for you, read our L-arginine Plus reviews and find out for yourself.