
With heart disease being the leading cause of death, it’s important to prevent it. Learn about heart disease prevention strategies.

While heart disease is the leading cause of death, this doesn’t mean it’s inevitable. In fact, by focusing on the risk factors you have control over, you may significantly reduce your heart disease risk. The following are different tips and strategies that will help you with heart disease prevention.

1. Smoking

Heart Disease PreventionAvoiding secondhand smoke, smoking, and even smokeless tobacco will help your heart tremendously. Moreover, your risk of heart disease begins to drop as soon as one day after quitting, but you must maintain this if you want the long-term benefits.

2. Physical Activity

According to the experts, most healthy adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. People can also reduce their workout time to 75 minutes per week if they switch to vigorous-intensity exercises. It’s also important that you add two or more strength training sessions per week for the best results.

3. Diet

To improve your heart health, you need to eat a heart-healthy diet while also limiting unhealthy food choices. In other words, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish, whole grain, low-fat or fat-free dairy foods, and more. You should also limit your intake of salt, sugar, alcohol, saturated fat, and processed carbohydrates.

4. Weight Loss

Being overweight increases the risk of heart disease as well as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. However, by losing as little as 3% of your body weight, you can decrease triglycerides and glucose while also reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes.

5. Sleep

According to research, poor sleep may increase your risk of obesity, hypertension, heart attack, diabetes, and depression. In other words, make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep per night. If you think you may have obstructive sleep apnea, then talk with your doctor so they can recommend the appropriate treatment options.

6. Stress Management

Even though more research is necessary to figure out if stress affects heart health directly, it can certainly affect it indirectly. For instance, people tend to cope with stress by overeating, smoking, or drinking. Instead, find a healthy way to deal with stress like exercise or meditation.

The Outlook

L-arginine PlusBy following these simple tips, you’ll be one step closer to a better heart. If you’re looking for additional help, consider taking a heart supplement. At Best Heart Health Supplements, we review various supplements so you know what you’re getting yourself into.

One of our top-rated supplements is L-arginine Plus due to its ability to effectively promote circulation, blood pressure, and more. If you want to learn more about this supplement and its benefits, read our L-arginine Plus reviews and check it out for yourself.