
Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels and happens when an increase in blood flow is needed. It’s normal but may also be a sign of health issues.

Causes of vasodilation


  • Immediately causes vasodilation
  • Causes a feeling of warmth, sweat, or flushed skin


Strong Man Working Out in Gym

  • Muscle cells consume energy as you exercise
  • Vasodilation happens as the muscles need more nutrients and oxygen


  • Caused by injuries, disease or conditions
  • Vasodilation lets blood flow to the affected area
  • Causes heat and redness


  • Thermoreceptors detect changes in temperature around you
  • Vasodilation happens when there’s a higher amount of warmth in the environment relative to cold
  • It dissipates any excess warmth


  • Vasodilators, like Viagra, cause vasodilation
  • Used to treat a few conditions, such as high blood pressure

Vasodilation and hypotension

Vasodilation leads to a drop in blood pressure. Hypotension is when blood pressure becomes abnormally low.

While it may not affect some people, others may feel:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Fainting

Hypotension can be life-threatening at extreme levels. The following conditions can cause hypotension:

Thirsty woman after the hard training

  • High blood pressure medications
  • Dehydration
  • Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions)
  • Severe infection
  • Blood loss


Vasodilation happens naturally when there is:

  • A decrease in available nutrients
  • Increase in temperature
  • Low oxygen levels

It causes:

  • Widening of your blood vessels
  • Increases blood flow
  • Lowers blood pressure

Vasodilation can be harmful in:

  • Strong inflammatory responses
  • Allergic reactions
  • Severe hypotension

Age and weight can negatively affect vasodilation. Vasodilation can be helpful when it comes to treating conditions like high blood pressure and high altitude sickness.